妄想に陥っているのは浮沈子だけではないと知って、安心したけどモーレツ眠いな2020年01月26日 03:44




2019年12月下旬に、中国では新規コロナウイルス(2019-nCoV)に関連する肺炎症例のクラスターが報告されました。報告された症例発生率は数百に達しましたが、これは過小評価の可能性があります。 2020年1月24日の時点で、13件の輸出イベントの報告により、中国での累積発生率は5502件(95%信頼区間:3027、9057)と推定されています。 最も説得力のある感染数は数百ではなく、数千のオーダーであり、武漢の疫学的にリンクされたシーフード市場での暴露以外の追跡されていない暴露が発生したという強い兆候があります。」
(Abstract: A cluster of pneumonia cases linked to a novel coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) was reported by China in late December 2019. Reported case incidence has now reached the hundreds, but this is likely an underestimate. As of 24 January 2020, with reports of thirteen exportation events, we estimate the cumulative incidence in China at 5502 cases (95% confidence interval: 3027, 9057). The most plausible number of infections is in the order of thousands, rather than hundreds, and there is a strong indication that untraced exposures other than the one in the epidemiologically linked seafood market in Wuhan have occurred.)

(1. Introduction
Since the announcement of a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, was made on 31 December 2019, many rapid virological, clinical, and epidemiological research responses have taken place [1,2]. The causative agent of the pneumonia is suggested to be a novel coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) of the same lineage (but genetically distinct) from the coronavirus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) [1]. Cases in the initial cluster reported a common exposure—a seafood market in Wuhan where wild animals were served at a restaurant—indicating that a point‐source zoonotic (animal‐to‐human) route was likely the main mode of transmission for those cases [2].
Although early reports from Wuhan [3] stated that (i) there were only tens of cases in the cluster and (ii) no human‐to‐human transmission was directly observed, the scientific community was alert to the possibility that the novel coronavirus would spread to other ographic locations—including other countries—via direct human‐to‐human transmission. In early January, the outbreak began to escalate rapidly with hundreds of cases now confirmed along with the presence of a few household clusters [4–7].)

「2020年1月24日現在、中国での累積発生率は830例で、そのうち湖北省で549例、北京で26例、上海で20例、広東で53例が診断されました。 さらに、26人の死亡がアウトブレイク[6,8]にリンクされており、2020年1月22日現在、13人が日本、シンガポール、韓国、台湾、タイ、ベトナム、米国に輸出されています。 これらの輸入国で進行中であり、おそらくケースの確認は、エクスポートされたケースデータの方が優れています。」
(As of 24 January 2020, the cumulative incidence in China is 830 cases, of which 549 cases were diagnosed in Hubei, 26 in Beijing, 20 in Shanghai, and 53 in Guangdong. Additionally, twenty‐six deaths have been linked to the outbreak [6,8], and thirteen cases were exported to Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and the United States as of 22 January 2020. Considering that enhanced surveillance has been underway in these importing countries, case ascertainment has been perhaps better in exported case data.)

(Using a spatial back‐calculation method and analyzing exported cases, we estimate the cumulative incidence of 2019‐nCoV cases in China in real time, allowing us to update and discuss the extent of transmission at the source.)

表1は、入院および報告日別の輸出症例の発生率を示しています。 ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応試験のための確立されたプライマーがない場合の診断の最初の難しさのため、入院と報告の間のタイムラグは、最近の症例のそれと比較して初期の症例ではより長かった。 輸入を報告している7つの場所のうち、中国からのインバウンド乗客の総数は2017年に年間m = 63.1百万人[9]であり、そのうち100q = 2.1%は武漢[10]で、武漢空港の流域人口。
(2. Exported Cases
Table 1 shows the incidence of exported cases by date of hospitalization and report. Due to the initial difficulty of diagnosis in the absence of established primer for polymerase chain reaction testing, the time lag between hospitalization and reporting was longer for early cases compared with that of more recent cases. Among the seven locations reporting importation, the total volume of inbound passengers from China was m = 63.1 million per year in 2017 [9], of which 100q = 2.1% were from Wuhan [10], a home of n = 19.0 million people as the catchment population of Wuhan airport.
Two other locations with confirmed cases, i.e., Macau and Hong Kong, were excluded from the analysis, because it is commutable by land transporation and the first case in Hong Kong was indeed not via airtravel. As we already know from elsewhere [11–13], given the observed cumulative count of c exported cases, we have a balance equation of the cumulative risk of infection:)

p=c365/mqT (1)

「ここで、Tは潜伏期間と感染期間の合計であり、ここではそれぞれ3.2および9.3日と仮定されます[14]。これらの期間は他のコロナウイルスの期間と類似しているため、T = 12.5日です。次に、中国での推定発生率はpnで与えられます。武漢からの旅行者の間で二項サンプリングプロセスに従ってデータが生成されるというアドホックな仮定により、累積発生率は最尤法を使用して推定されます。」
(where T is the sum of incubation and infectious periods, and here is assumed to be 3.2 and 9.3 days [14], respectively, assuming that these periods are similar to those of other coronaviruses, and thus, T = 12.5 days. The estimated incidence in China is then given by pn. With an ad‐hoc assumption that the data are generated following the binomial sampling process among travelers from Wuhan, the cumulative incidence is then estimated using a maximum likelihood method.)


CI、信頼区間(95%CIはブートストラップから派生); NC、計算不可。 NA、利用できません。 推定発生率は、レポートの日付の関数として更新されます[15–25]。」
(Table 1. Exportation events and estimated incidence in China.
Importing location:Date of Hospitalization:Date of Report:Cumulative Count:Estimated Incidence in China(95% CI)
・Thailand:8 January:14 January:1: 423 (NC, 1863)
・Japan:10 January:16 January:2:846 (141, 2614)
・Thailand:13 January:17 January:3:1270 (316, 3292)
・South Korea:19 January:20 January:4:1693 (526, 3933)
・Taiwan:19 January:21 January:5:2116 (759, 4548)
・United States:19 January:21 January:6:2539 (1009, 5145)
・Thailand:19 January:22 January:7:2962 (1273, 5729)
・Thailand:NA:22 January:8:3385 (1547, 6302)
・Singapore:22 January:23 January:9:3809 (1830, 6866)
・Vietnam:22 January:23 January:10:4231 (2121, 7423)
・Vietnam:22 January:23 January:11:4655 (2418, 7973)
・Japan:22 January:24 January:12:5078 (2720, 8517)
・South Korea:22 January:24 January:13:5502 (3027, 9057)
CI, confidence interval (the 95% CI was derived from bootstrapping); NC, not calculable; NA, not available. The estimated incidence is updated as a function of the date of the report [15–25].)


「表1は、中国での推定発生率も示しています。 タイでの最初の輸出イベントでは、423の事例が提案されており、1863の事例を上限としています。追加の症例が報告されたため、推定累積発生率は増加しました。2020年1月24日の時点で、13件の輸出イベントの報告により、中国での累積発生率は5502例(95%信頼区間:3027、9057)と推定されています。」
(Table 1 also shows the estimated incidence in China. The first exportation event in Thailand suggests 423 cases with the upper confidence limit of 1863 cases. The estimated cumulative incidence has grown as additional cases have been reported. As of 24 January 2020, with reports of thirteen exportation events, the cumulative incidence in China is estimated at 5502 cases (95% confidence interval: 3027, 9057).)

(Our latest estimate is comparable to a preliminary report posted by a research group at Imperial College London (ICL) on their own homepage on 22 January 2020 [26] that estimated the incidence based on three importation events at 4000 cases (95% CI: 1000, 9700). Possible reasons for the slight difference include (i) the number of travelers in the previous study was derived from airline passenger data [27] and (ii) the assumed length of T was different. Two other estimates have also been published: a preliminary study by a Northeastern University group estimated 1250 cases (95%CI: 350, 3000) as of 17 January 2020 [28] and a University of Hong Kong group estimated 1343 cases (95% CI: 547, 3446) as of 17 January 2020 [29]. The former study from the United States assumes that the catchment area population is 10 million (we use 11.1 million).)

報告された2019-nCoV感染の数は、監視と検出の方法が改善されるにつれて増え続けています。私たちの推定およびその他[26,28,29]は、実際の症例数は数百ではなく数千のオーダーである可能性が高いことに同意し、武漢の元々リンクされたシーフード市場以外の追跡されていない暴露の強い兆候があります 発生しています。 このような暴露には、人から人への感染が含まれると予想されますが、感染のレベルはまだ定量化されていません。2013年の中国での高病原性インフルエンザ(H7N9)の最初の発生時のように、動物からヒトへの感染からかなりの数のヒト感染が発生し、ヒトからヒトへの感染性は まだ明示的な方法で定量化されていません。」
(3. The Way Forward
The number of reported 2019‐nCoV infections continues to grow as surveillance and detection methods improve. Our estimate and others [26,28,29] agree that the actual number of cases is likely in the order of thousands, rather than hundreds, and there is a strong indication that untraced exposures other than that of the originally linked seafood market in Wuhan have occurred. Such exposures are expected to include human‐to‐human transmission, but the levels of transmissibility have yet to be quantified. It is still plausible that a substantial number of human infections arose from animal‐to‐human posures, such as was the case during the first outbreak of highly pathogenic influenza (H7N9) in China, 2013, and the human‐to‐human transmissibility has yet to be quantified in an explicit manner.)

(Despite initially restricting what information on the outbreak was shared publicly, the Chinese government has begun to respectfully provide updates on the situation on a daily basis. This encourages the real‐time release of information by means of regularly updated situation reports, including epidemiological information with dates of exposure, illness onset, and hospitalization among cases.
For researchers to be able to contribute to control efforts by improving situation awareness via an explicit risk assessment, it is crucial that detailed epidemiological data are posted to a public domain in real‐time. Such datasets should include not only a deidentified line list of cases but also updates on the infection status of traced contacts. Information on exposure period and illness onset can assist with the estimation of important natural history parameters such as the incubation period.
It is critical for the public health community and the public at large to understand more about the process of case ascertainment, including the current case definition and reporting system mechanisms.)





(武漢の患者、推計5000人超か 新型ウイルス肺炎で北大まとめ:中日)



(武漢の患者5000人超か 新型肺炎で北大推計:産経)





(As of 24 January 2020, with reports of thirteen exportation events, the cumulative incidence in China is estimated at 5502 cases (95% confidence interval: 3027, 9057).本文より)








(新型肺炎「中国の感染者は推計5502人」 北大チーム、数百人は過小評価と分析:毎日)













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